Bunarko puppetry “Pursana Pugge”

Bunarko puppetry “Pursana Pugge”

Bunarko puppetry “Pursana Pugge” Read More/Read Less The play "Pursana Pugge" presented by Bunraku Gombeyata at the Kalabhi Theater in Mangalore on May 28, 2023, showcased at the Canara High School's Sri Bhuvanendra Sabha Bhavana in Kodialbail , Mangalore....Bunraku...
Ranga Sangeetha Karyagara

Ranga Sangeetha Karyagara

In collaboration with the Kalabhi Theatre Mangalore and the Canara Cultural Academy, workshops were conducted separately over two different months. Directed by Shreepad Teerthahalli, participants were taught various stage music performances in Kannada. Over 50...
Aralu – 2023

Aralu – 2023

Read More/Read Less From the premises of Canara Cultural Academy and the Kalabhi Institute, a professional stage program was organised in Mangalore for the first time from ages 16 to 26 from 9 to 17 years. This event took place from morning 9 to evening 5 in Canara...


Moto : Mana Manege RangaBhoomi | ಮನ ಮನೆಗೆ ರಂಗಭೂಮಿ ( This project is to reach artists in each house and exhibit their works and also have open interaction with the audience )   ಒನ್ ವುಮೆನ್ ಶೋ – ಗೆಲ್ಲಿಸಬೇಕು ಅವಳ (ಏಪ್ರಿಲ್, 2022)ಕಲಾವಿದೆ: ಶ್ವೇತಾ ಅರೆಹೊಳೆಸ್ಥಳ: ಮನೆ – ದಿನೇಶ್...


A Puppets Journey | Explore the possibilities of Puppet and Puppetry 20 Days free residential workshop in Mangalore for Professional Artists around Karnataka and Kerala. Trainer: Karnataka’s Top Puppeteer Shravan Heggodu Participants: Avinash Rai from...