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Rajana Savaal, Makkala Kamaal

Director: Bindu Raxidi; theatre and movie actress - the heroine of “Paddayi” National Awarded film

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... "Rajana Sawal Makla Kamal" is one of the 3 plays of Aralu 2023 workshop initiated by Kalabhi in association with Canara Cultural Academy to attract children to theatre and engage children in theater activities. Children who participated in the Aralu 2023 workshop, acted in this play.

Writer: Shankar Ghanti

Director: Bindu Rakshidi, who had a passion for theater since childhood, later graduated in Ninasam. Along with Ninasam tirugata worked with several theatre troupes. She is also working as an actor on television and big screen. Her first movie Paddai won National Award and State Award.She has Worked as director, musician, technician for several children's plays. Also a founding member of Act-React. Costume design is one of her interests. She has performed out of state including Karnataka.Worked as an assistant director under several directors and also directed plays. Having experience of working in children's theatre, currently working with children under the "Theater in Education" scheme in a residential school.

About the Play: A boy named Hanuma was working in the house of the king(Dhani) of the town. One day when he was walking in the forest path, two frogs grabbed his legs. He told the frogs that he would bring something and asked them to let go of his leg. While leaving there, a girl called Hanuma and they both met and talked. The girl speaks tauntingly to the king.
One king called Hanuman and asked him to do work and said that he would give something in return, but the king broke his promise by not giving anything for the work done by Hanuma. Then when Hanuma went to the girl and asked what to do, the girl gave him a tamate (instrument). Hanuma went to the king and threatened that "If you don't give me anything in return for my work, I will tell the whole town about you", but seeing the king's response, Hanuma by beating the tamate, spread the news to the whole town.

Here Tamate represents the current media. The politicians of the present time are elected by the people and instead of working for the welfare of the society,people they fill their coffers. Meanwhile, we, the citizens of this country, should make use of the media in our hands and raise our voice against the ongoing injustice.