Kalabhi Children’s Theatre 

Membership Enrollment

Welcome to the Kalabhi Children’s Theatre Team!

We are delighted to invite you to join our amazing Kalabhi Children’s Theatre team. As a member, you will be part of a vibrant community dedicated to fostering creativity and talent in children.

Benefits of Membership:

  1. Annual Meeting: Enjoy a family get-together.
  2. Maha Sabhe: Participate in the general body meeting for parents and guardians.
  3. Theatre Workshops: Avail 3 free Kalabhi theatre workshops and receive a concession on additional workshops organized by Kalabhi.
  4. And many more benefits waiting for you!

For more details, please contact us at 

Membership Enrollment Form

Please fill out the form below to enroll as a member of the Kalabhi Children’s Theatre