A Friend Beyond The Fence
Kalabhi, an organization dedicated to "Art for the Artist, Artist for the Art" proudly presents "A Friend Beyond the Fence," a poignant drama set in a Polish concentration camp during World War II. This play is India's first puppet-artist production featuring a life-size elephant puppet, narrates the touching story of Alex Ade,...the son of a Nazi commandant, and Ethan, a Jewish boy, both 8 years old, who form an unlikely friendship despite being separated by barbed wire. Adding a unique twist is Tembo, a baby elephant puppet symbolizing innocence amidst the horrors of the Holocaust. Direction: Directed by Shravan Heggodu, a renowned creative director and puppeteer known for his innovative theater style and acclaimed works like "Rex Hours" and "The Giving Tray," this production combines the art of puppetry with live performance. Inspired by both fictional and real stories of the era,Shravan heggodu aims to depict the devastating impact of the Nazi regime through the eyes of two innocent boys. Kalabhi's mission to bring social awareness through art is vividly realized in this production, promising a moving and thought-provoking experience for all audiences.